DMCA Policy
Effective Date: Jun 01, 2023
We follow the DMCA procedure to remove content posted by third parties that infringes intellectual property rights on all sites belong to us. Violators may be banned from posting comments on the site. If you believe that any content on our website infringes your intellectual property rights, please contact us using the form below and provide details of the content, including:
- Your name, address and electronic signature
- The infringing material and its URL on our site.
- Evidence that you own the intellectual property rights to the material.
- A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that there is no legal basis for using the content.
- A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you are the owner of the intellectual property rights or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner, as to the accuracy of the notice
If we receive a DMCA claim and remove related content you posted on our site, you may send us a counter notification. The counter notification must contain the following information:
- Your name, address, phone number and handwritten or electronic signature
- Identify material and its location prior to removal
- A statement under penalty of perjury that the material was accidental or misidentified.
- Subscriber consents to the jurisdiction of the local federal courts or appropriate jurisdiction if located overseas.
If you send us a DMCA report, we will assume that you have read and accepted the following statement:
- I have a good faith belief that the content in the above activity violates my or the copyright owner’s rights, as stated above, and using such content is illegal.
- I declare that, in case of perjury, the above information is true and accurate, and I am the owner or agent of the above rights and will be punished in case of perjury.
Amihome Decorations Store
- Address: 6256 Division St, Cass City, Michigan (MI) 48726, United States
- Phone: +1 (269) 509-4324
- Email: